The mission of Women's Ministries at Grace Church of Harmony is to touch the lives of women by the transforming power of Jesus Christ. The ministry seeks to build spiritual wholeness through consistent prayer and the study of God's Word, providing an atmosphere for women to develop their gifts, abilities and lasting relationships, and to provide encouragement to women to find their place of ministry and effectively touch their world for Christ. All women are invited to attend the weekly Bible studies, and the regular outreach projects.
We have multiple Fall, Winter, and Summer Bible studies offered that begin in September, January, and June respectively. In addition, the Women's Ministry team regularly holds special events that draw us together for fellowship, worship, study, and/or service. Watch the website for details on upcoming events.
Women's One-to-One Connection
Have you wanted to attend a group Bible study but your schedule never allowed it?
When you have attended a Bible study, would you have liked to spend more time on a particular passage or topic, or was there something you specifically wanted to study?
Have you had questions and comments but were uncomfortable speaking in a group?
Do you feel uncomfortable talking about personal matters and asking for prayer for yourself?
Have you ever thought that you might like to have one other woman with whom to study and pray?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, then your participation in this ministry can be an opportunity for you to serve our Lord as He uses each of you to encourage one another.
As our understanding deepens of the character of God and His attributes, and as we gain insight into the battle between our old and new natures, we will experience a great effect on the whole heart, mind, emotions and will. This is God's process of causing us to grow in sanctification through the work of the Holy Spirit.
If you are interested in serving or participating this ministry, call the church office or use the pew card to make a request to be contacted.