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Purpose Statement

"The Purpose of the Music Ministry of Grace Church is to glorify God through leading the congregation in music for edification and encouragement."


Our music ministry is staffed by over 40 volunteers who have committed to instrumental music, praise team expression, adult choir performance, or any combination thereof. For the adult choir, participants spend an hour on Wednesday evenings rehearsing and then singing for both services each Sunday. Special events for the choir include the annual Christmas Cantata, and special numbers for Thanksgiving, Easter, and other special occasions. The choir "season" runs from September through May each year. Joining the adult choir is easy. Simply "show up" at a rehearsal and you're in! Elaine Wise is our Choir Director and she is eager to talk about your participation.


Our musicians along with the praise team rehearse each week, usually on Wednesday evenings at 7 or 8 PM for 60 minutes each week. There are different vocal teams each week. Some musicians play each week and others play on specific Sundays, depending upon their respective preferences. There is always room for more. In the last year we have expanded our musicians from 3 instruments up to 9 depending upon the Sunday. And for the first time ever, the Christmas Cantata this past year was performed completely with live music (12 instruments). We are blessed with tremendous musical talent.

We also offer the opportunity to perform special music. Sharing of your musical talent through a vocal or instrumental number is encouraged. Lisa Allen leads this part of the ministry so feel free to speak with her and she will make an appointment to review what you have to share.


Last, the congregation is encouraged to offer feedback. The "I Wish" cards in the pew give everyone an opportunity to make suggestions or offer compliments to any ministry including the Music Ministry. Feel free to request a song. It often takes time to work it in as we plan our music around our pastor's message theme, but we'll try to get it in.


For those new to our congregation, we welcome you. Please take a moment and consider "plugging in" to our praise and music ministry. You will be blessed and you will be a blessing.

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