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Writer's pictureThomas Havranek

Bulletin: 4.21.24

Window to the World

Next week we will have members of Pine Valley Camp here to speak at each service.

5th Tuesday Prayer / Tuesday, April 30 at 7:00 pm in room B1

Our church ministries cannot succeed apart from prayer. Our efforts at evangelism, teaching, and fellowship will transform lives to the degree that we pray! All are invited to meet together to pray specifically for the fruitfulness of our CHURCH MINISTRIES. Please join us! You may invite anyone else you would like to attend with you.

National Day of Prayer Community Prayer Breakfast

Thursday, May 2, 2024, 7:30 – 8:30 a.m., here at Grace Church of Harmony. The H/Z Ministerium cordially invites the community of believers to come together, in Jesus’ name, and pray. A freewill offering will be taken for the meal.

Join us for a Ladies’ Lunch

May 11 from 11-1 in the social hall. Please sign up in the Welcome Center by May 5. 13 and over will be $15 each, ages 6-12 is $7, Ages 5 and under free. Payable at the door.

Secret Prayer Sisters / Save the Date!

Thursday, May 23th will be Secret Prayer Sisters Reveal Night! Please join us at 7:00 pm, in the church social hall, to find out who has been praying for you this past year! If you are not a part of this ministry, but would like to learn more, please join us as well! We would love to have some new faces. If you have any questions, or to RSVP, please call Lynn Mooney (724-799-0140).

VBS craft donation needs:

Any size peanut butter, mayonnaise, or similar jars with lids. Please wash and remove the label. These can be left in the VBS bin near the coat rack. Thank you!

Small Groups

Four small groups will be starting in the coming weeks. The leaders/facilitators of the small groups and their respective topics are as follows: Mike Doban – Hebrews, Jake Shriver – Major Themes of the Bible, Jim Schmidt – 1st Peter, and Bob Smith – Gentle and Lowly, The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers. Sign-up sheets-noting the meeting times and frequency of each group-are located in the Welcome Center. Sign up soon as we are initially limiting the groups to 8 individuals, not including the leaders and their spouses.

Camp Scholarships

Grace Church of Harmony provides Camp Scholarships to children of all families who regularly attend our church. This is not a need-based scholarship. If you have a child who is planning to attend Seneca Hills Bible Camp this summer, call the church office for the code 724-452-7270.

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