Second Sunday Social / TODAY after second service
Come join in for food and fellowship. Please bring a food item (NO NUTS) to share with others. More details are on the church website
Update: Ugandan water well project.
We have three Sundays remaining in our Ugandan water well fund-raising project, and we’ve raised $6,860. That’s enough for one well ($5,000) and almost 40% toward a second! That’s GREAT! If you would like to be a part of this project to make villagers’ lives healthier with clean water, you may give using the special envelopes in the pew racks, or by specifying the amount of your donation on your regular collection envelope. Thanks for being part in this important project.
5th Tuesday Prayer / MONDAY, October 30 at 7:00 pm in room B1
Our church ministries cannot succeed apart from prayer. Our efforts at evangelism, teaching, and fellowship will transform lives to the degree that we pray! All are invited to meet together ONCE A QUARTER to pray specifically for the fruitfulness of our CHURCH MINISTRIES. Please join us! You may invite anyone else you would like to attend with you.
Women's Ministry Pie Cook-Off and Trivia Night
Friday November 3rd from 7pm-9pm. Please come and join us for a night full of delicious pies and fun fellowship! There is a sign-up sheet in the welcome center.
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox season is here
...which means we once again have the privilege to help share the Good News of Jesus Christ with millions of boys and girls around the world. Start purchasing items to fill your box NOW, and pick up an empty box on Sunday, October 15th. Filled boxes (with $10 donation made out to Samaritan’s Purse to cover shipping) are due back to the church on November 5th.