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Bulletin: 11.5.23

Writer's picture: Thomas HavranekThomas Havranek

Christmas Child

Packed boxes are due TODAY!

Second Sunday Social / November 12th after second service

Join in for food and fellowship. Please sign-up in the Welcome Center so we know how many to plan for. Also, please bring a food item to share with others—No NUTS. Details are on the church website

Join Dr. John Delancey

Nov. 10, 6:30–9:00 p.m. and Nov. 11, 8:30 am–1 p.m / Experience & understand the Bible in context through historical geography, biblical archeology, manners & customs, and the Hebraic background of Jesus. Please sign up in the Welcome Center or online here and here.

Christmas Poinsettias Orders are due, November 26th

It’s time to order your poinsettias for Christmas. Please make your check payable to “Grace Church” or attach cash to the order form and place it in the offering plate. The cost for each flower is $9.50. Order forms are available in the Welcome Center.

GriefShare / Surviving the Holidays

Sunday, November 19th, 2-4 p.m., Room B1 / Those who are hurting because of a death of a spouse, child, parent, or other family and friends sometimes can experience anxiety and even dread at the holidays. We are happy to host this very helpful event for our community. You will connect with others who have learned how to enter into the holidays with greater meaning and new kind of joy. You will hear from experts about grief and the real complications the holidays bring and how to develop a plan for celebrating them with your family and friends. We hope you will consider joining this event. Please sign up online here.

Senior Saints Thanksgiving Luncheon

Thursday, November 16th at 11:30 a.m. in the Grace Church Social Hall. Join us for fellowship and a delicious turkey dinner. A $5 donation is requested for the meal. Please bring your own tableware. If you are able, please bring a salad or a dessert. Beverage is provided. Please sign up in the Welcome Center or online here no later than Nov. 12th.

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Join us at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 22rd for a special service of Thanksgiving.

Grace Church Annual Meeting

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 12th at 9:15 a.m. in the Social Hall. All members and regular attenders are encouraged to attend this meeting. *If you have not sent your report in to Leah, please do ASAP!* We will review and vote on the church budget for 2024 and vote for Elders and Deacons for the new term.

Asked to be a nominee for Elder:

Chris Baker, John Beighey, Dave Bupp, John Casker, Dean Fletcher, Larry Schweinegruber, Jeremy Sharek, Ed Shever, Brad Wise, Ryan Wise.

Accepted the nomination for Elder:

Dave Bupp, Larry Schweinegruber, George Steinacker, Brad Wise, Ryan Wise.

Asked to be a nominee for Deacon:

Dan Allen, Dave Anton, Frank Bame, Joe Beiter, John Cegalis, Brian Cox, Brad Durbin, Brandon Durbin, Josiah Everett, Jordan Hackenberg, Tom Havranek, Eric Jantsch, Bob Kuttesh, Mike Lewis, Stephen Mick, Jason Satteson, Colton Schiever, Brayden Sharek, Eric Slater, Ron Speck, Wesley Speck, Mike Stoffel, Joe Vermilya, Bart Woodbridge, Wes Woodward.

Accepted the nomination for Deacon:

Dave Anton, Frank Bame, Brian Cox, Tom Havranek, Tim Palma, Mike Stoffel, Bart Woodbridge, Wes Woodward.

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