5th Tuesday Prayer / Tuesday, August 29 th at 7:00 pm in room B1
Our church ministries cannot succeed apart from prayer. Our efforts at evangelism, teaching, and fellowship will transform lives to the degree that we pray! All are invited to meet together ONCE A QUARTER to pray specifically for the fruitfulness of our CHURCH MINISTRIES. Please join us! You may invite anyone else you would like to attend with you.
Senior Saints Picnic / August 29, 2023 @ Noon.
Hosted by Brad and ElaineWise. Please bring a dish to share. Sign up in Welcome Center.
New Choir Season Starting Soon/ New Members Welcome!
The choir practices on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm. The choir performs at the second service on most Sundays, September through May, as well as a Christmas Cantata and special music for Easter. The choir welcomes singers of all levels of experience. If you have any questions, please contact Elaine Wise at 724-452-6257.
Fellowship III will be starting in September.
Sign up in the welcome center August 13 thru August 27. For those of you who don't know about Fellowship III, 3 couples or singles (adults) are assigned to meet for a meal and fellowship: one is host, one brings salad, and one brings dessert. If you can't meet at the host home, go out to eat, or meet for dessert. Any questions please call Nancy Durst at 724-368-9733.
Awana Registration!
We are gearing up for the start of Awana on Sept. 6th. Club is on Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. What is Awana? Friends, games, Bible memorization, teaching, Grand Prix, Quizzing and so much more! For Preschool through 6 th grade. Any questions, contact Rick Voegtly at 412-812-1717 (please leave a message).
Help Wanted: 1-2 Grade Sunday School
The 1-2 grade Sunday school class needs helpers to serve as a 2nd adult present in the class. We have the teachers but just need assistants on a monthly rotation. If you are willing to find out more information on serving the children of our church in this way, please contact Cheryl Prouty. 330-219-6077
Discovery Class taught by Pastor Pete and Brad Wise.
If you are thinking about becoming a member of Grace Church, or if you want to learn more about our beliefs and history, or if you want to prepare for baptism, you should attend our upcoming Discovery Class, each Sunday morning, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m., beginning September 10th in room 104. Please contact the church office (724-452-7270) if you are interested so we can prepare enough materials.
Women's Ministry Breakfast /Saturday September 16th 9am-10:30.
Come and join the women of Grace Church as we gather for a time of food, fellowship, and sharing. If you have been wanting to connect with women in the church but haven't been able to, now is the time. There is a sign-up sheet in the lobby. We look forward to what the Lord had planned for this ministry.
Help Wanted: Women's Bible Study Childcare
The Tuesday morning women’s bible study is looking for childcare helpers. morning study. 9:30-11:00 Contact Sharon Baker call or text 724-612-6086 or e-mail at: cmbaker@zoominternet.net.
Women’s Sunday School Class
Starting September 10th Marlene Wise will be leading a 7-week discussion on the gospels following the book Navigating the Gospel Truth by Rebecca McLaughlin.
Grace Church Corn Roast and Hayride
The Annual Grace Church Corn Roast and Hayride is scheduled for Sunday, September 10th , 4-8 p.m. at the home of Brad and Elaine Wise (339 Mercer Road, Harmony). The picnic dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. Bring a favorite dish to share, your own hotdogs and buns, and a lawn chair or blanket. Beverage, corn and tableware are provided. There will be a bounce house for the younger kids. Feel free to bring yard games.
Card Shower
A Card Shower is being planned for Barb Gutzwiller’s mother, Ann Henderson. She will be turning 100 on September 5th . If you would like to help her celebrate please place your cards in the church lobby and Barb will deliver them.