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Bulletin: 9.24.23

Writer's picture: Thomas HavranekThomas Havranek

Grace Church Corn Roast and Hayride TONIGHT

The Annual Grace Church Corn Roast and Hayride is tonight, September 24th, 4-8 p.m. at the home of Brad and Elaine Wise (339 Mercer Road, Harmony). The picnic dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. Bring a side dish to share, your own hotdogs and buns, and a lawn chair or blanket. Beverage, corn and tableware provided. There will be a bounce house for the younger kids. Feel free to bring yard games.

Clean water saves lives in Uganda.

This fall, Grace Church has taken on a campaign to raise the $5,000 needed to drill a clean water well in a Ugandan village. We started the campaign last week, and we have raised $2840 so far. If you would like to be a part of this project to save lives, you may give using the special envelopes in the pews, or by specifying the amount of your donation on your regular collection envelope. The campaign will run through October.

Starting October 3rd

Luke and Mallory Sherrod will begin hosting a young couples Bible study at their home. It will be held every other Tuesday evening at 7 pm, and covering the book of James. Couples that attend, please bring your bibles and an appetizer to share. They ask that couples only attend, as no childcare option will be available. Please contact Luke at 714-394-1133 to let them know you will be attending, or if you have any questions. Their home is 427 E New Castle Street, Zelienople, PA.

Starting October 3rd

The Tuesday evening women’s Bible study will begin and is held in B2. This fall we will look at the life of Peter, and how his ministry corresponds to that of the Apostle Paul. You do not need to have been here last year for the study on Paul to learn about how God trained and used Peter in the early church. All women of the church are welcome, as Elaine Wise leads us in this study.

Small Groups are starting again

If you are interested in attending a small group study please sign up in the Welcome Center.

60+ Pool / Thursdays 6:30 – 8:30pm starting October 5th

If you are over 60 and like to shoot pool, join us on Thursdays in the youth center! Contact Earl Fox for more information 724-452-6812.

Meals on Wheels

Grace Church is providing desserts, September 25- October 6. Please sign-up in the Welcome Center. With your help, this organization is able to provide affordable meals to senior citizens in need of a balanced, nutritious meal. All information is on the sign-up sheet. If you have any questions, call Christine Paracca (724-316-0700).

Men’s Golf Outing

The Men's golf outing will be held at Stoughton Acres on October 8, 2023 at 1pm. Signups are in the welcome center as well as online here. Contact Jeremy Sharek if you have any questions.

Lift Chair Give

Karen DeCesaris, a neighbor of Bob and Marlene Schaub, is giving away a lift chair in good condition. If you, or someone you know, is in need please contact Karen at 570-262-3554.

ASPIRE Women's Conference

It is on October 8th at HarmonyZelienople Global Methodist Church. If you are interested or would like discounted tickets, please contact Kathy Baker at or 724-766-9028 and leave a message. There is also a flyer on the bulletin board.

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