Just For You Adult Class
Reid Moon’s "The Harmony of the Gospels" resumes on Sunday, June 4th. The Holy Spirit using the four gospel writer's unique backgrounds and personalities to bring a rich narrative of the ministry of Jesus. By comparing and contrasting the four gospels, believers gain a deeper joy, understanding, and appreciation of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Discussion is welcomed.
Tom Kristophel will be leading a study
“Mysteries of Heaven” by David Jeremiah. The study will begin June 4 in Room B3. Discussion is encouraged.
Blood Drive / Wednesday, June 7th, 12 - 5 p.m.
A community blood drive will be held at Grace Church of Harmony on Wednesday, June 7th from 12 to 5 p.m. in room B1. Register online at www.redcrossblood.org. If you need help registering or have questions, contact Ken Frederick (724-316-0272).
Youth Spaghetti dinner / Friday, June 9, from 5 - 6:30 PM
On Friday, June 9, from 5 - 6:30 PM the youth will be holding a spaghetti dinner for their mission trip to Winterhaven, Florida to serve our missionaries - Randy & Cubie Kennedy.Dinner will be spaghetti and meatballs, salad, rolls, and dessert. All donations will go toward the mission trip and covering supplies for any work on the trip. The youth are also asking for donations of desserts for the dinner. If you are able to provide a dessert, please sign up on the sheet in the welcome center. Desserts can be dropped off anytime during the day on Friday.
Our exciting Vacation Bible School registration...
is open on the church website, gcoh.org. "Keepers of the Kingdom" is our theme during the week of July 17-21 at 9:00-11:30 a.m. Children ages 4 through those who have completed eighth grade are invited to join! You may also register in the church lobby. CDs of the music are available for a $3 donation.
Graduate Recognition
If you are graduating from high school, college, or graduate school this year, please let Pastor Nick know the details by today so that your achievement can be recognized on Sunday, June 11th.
The Baby Bottle Campaign 2023 / Women’s Choice Network
You may pick up a baby bottle or two from the portico lobby. Please fill it with your loose change or a gift check and place it in the coat closet storage unit or bring it to the church office Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., no later than June 18th. There is also the option to give online at: https://shorturl.at/lvCGU
Meals on Wheels
Grace Church is providing desserts, June 12th through June 23th. Please sign the lists in the Welcome Center. With your help this organization is able to provide affordable meals to senior citizens in need of a balanced, nutritious meal. All information needed to help is on the sign-up sheet. If you have any questions call Christine Paracca (724-316-0700).
Sunday School Teachers Meeting
Pastor Nick would like to have Sunday School teachers meeting after the second service on Sunday June 11. We will meet in the church social hall (B1). This brief meeting will serve as an opportunity to check-in with teachers, review current security procedures, and introduce a couple additional procedures. Thank you!