We welcome these new members to Grace:
LA & Danica Alexander; Chris & Jansen Jamison; Sean & Madison Ramsey; Tim & Janine Schillinger; Jacob & Heather Shriver; Mike, Jen, & Hannah Szlembarski; Kyle & Haley Watson
Council of Appeals
A congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, February 2 at 9:30 am in order to discuss and vote on the members for the Council of Appeals. Members of the council will be as follows: Chair Person: Tom Kristophel, Members in good standing: Mary Barnes, John Beighey, and Ester Ziegler Elders: Dean Fletcher, George Steinacker, Keith Walsh
A reminder that only children ages 2-3 are able to be in the toddler nursery during the 10:45 service. Children ages 4 and up are to attend the service until the time they are dismissed for children's church in which time any child ages 4-Kindergarten go to classroom 101, children grades 1-3 go to the classroom on the third floor.
Ladies' Game Night
Friday, January 24 at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a game to play and snack to share. Feel free to invite a friend! Join us for fellowship and fun!
Coffee, Donuts, and Men at Prayer
Saturday, January 25, 8 a.m. The men of Grace are invited to get together to drink coffee, eat donuts, and pray together. All men of Grace Church are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. There will be no charge. We hope to see you there.
Men’s Chili Cook-Off, Friday, January 31st at 6:00 p.m.
Men of the church are invited to attend (better yet, compete in) the Men's Ministry annual Chili Cook-Off. Sample more than 20 home-brewed chilis, then vote for your favorite. The chef of the most popular chili will win the coveted "Jalapeno Hat and Apron" prize. Festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. If competing, you & your chili should arrive by 5:45. If not competing, please donate $5 to the event to cover drinks and desserts. It is a great night of fellowship & sharing. Sign up in the Welcome Center or online at here.
Save the Date for VBS 2025!
We are excited to announce "Wonder Junction, Marvel at Jesus, Live for His Glory" Dust off your boots and grab your bandanas to travel west by train with children ages 4-Grade 8 this July 14-18th from 9:00-11:30 a.m. each day. Registration will be begin sometime in May.
Our missionaries, Ben and Kristiana Buckman, are in need of help for their cross-country move.
They currently live in Fortaleza, but are moving to Rondônia Brazil to be more accessible for the indigenous tribes that they work with. Grace Church has created a special collection to help with their moving expenses. The next few weeks, there will be special envelopes in the church pews for you to help. Checks can be made out to “Grace Church” with “Buckman Travel Expenses” in the memo.