Council of Appeals
A congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, February 2 at 9:30 am in order to discuss and vote on the members of the Council of Appeals. Members of the council will be as follows: Chair Person: Tom Kristophel, Members in good standing: Mary Barnes, John Beighey, and Esther Ziegler Elders: Dean Fletcher, George Steinacker, Keith Walsh
Winter Retreat
The CrossTrainers Winter Retreat is almost here. Any student grades 7-12 is welcome to attend. Sign-up forms are in the welcome center. Join in for fun and fellowship at Seneca Hills the February 7-9.
Men’s Chili Cook-Off, Friday, January 31st at 6:00 p.m.
Men of the church are invited to attend (better yet, compete in) the Men's Ministry annual Chili Cook-Off. Sample more than 20 home-brewed chilis, then vote for your favorite. The chef of the most popular chili will win the coveted "Jalapeno Hat and Apron" prize. Festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. If competing, you & your chili should arrive by 5:45. If not competing, please donate $5 to the event to cover drinks and desserts. It is a great night of fellowship & sharing. Sign up in the Welcome Center.
Favorite Things Party
The women's ministry will be having a February Favorite Things Party on Friday, February 21st from 7pm-9pm. If you've never heard of or been to a favorite things party it is just as the name says - buy, wrap, and bring one of your "favorite things". For example, if you have a favorite hand cream, seasoning, soaks, or whatever... buy one and bring it as a gift that will be swapped with someone. Please keep the cost under $10. It will be a fun night of fellowship and sharing. We will have snacks and drinks. If you have questions, please contact Heather Sharek 267-223-5755
Save the Date for VBS 2025!
We are excited to announce "Wonder Junction, Marvel at Jesus, Live for His Glory" Dust off your boots and grab your bandanas to travel west by train with children ages 4-Grade 8 this July 14-18th from 9:00-11:30 a.m. each day. Registration will be begin sometime in May.
Our missionaries, Ben and Kristiana Buckman, are in need of help for their cross-country move.
They currently live in Fortaleza, but are moving to Rondônia Brazil to be more accessible for the indigenous tribes that they work with. Grace Church has created a special collection to help with their moving expenses. The next few weeks, there will be special envelopes in the church pews for you to help. Checks can be made out to “Grace Church” with “Buckman Travel Expenses” in the memo.