5th Tuesday Prayer / Tuesday, January 30 at 7:00 pm in room B1
Our church ministries cannot succeed apart from prayer. Our efforts at evangelism, teaching, and fellowship will transform lives to the degree that we pray! All are invited to meet together to pray specifically for the fruitfulness of our CHURCH MINISTRIES. Please join us! You may invite anyone else you would like to attend with you.
Coffee, Donuts, and Men at prayer / Saturday, February 3rd, 8 a.m.
The men of Grace are invited to get together to drink coffee, eat donuts, and pray together. All men of Grace Church are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. There will be no charge. We hope to see you there. Sign up here.
Ladies Ministry is hosting a Tea on Saturday, February 3 at 1 p.m.
The theme is Pretty in Pink. They are planning for a wonderful time with food, fellowship, entertainment and a devotional. There will be lots of great “tea” foods and special entertainment. So, ladies get dolled up in your finest and enjoy this special day together. Sign up in the Welcome Center. Free will donations will be accepted.
Sweetheart Dinner
Valentine’s Day will be celebrated early this year… Saturday, February 10th at 6 pm to be exact. Join the other loving couples & singles of Grace for an evening of food, fun, music and flowers. Cost is $25 per person / $50 per couple. Please sign up in the Welcome Center or on-line at here.
Second Sunday Social
February 11 after second service / Join in for food and fellowship. Please bring a food item to share with others – NO NUTS.
A new mission opportunity
If anyone is interested in being part of a Grace Church Visitation Ministry, please contact the church office by email gcoh@zoominternet.net, / 724-452-7270 or Bob Schaub at 724-900-0157.