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Bulletin: 10.27.24

Writer's picture: Thomas HavranekThomas Havranek


The vote for Senior Pastor will occur TODAY October 27, 2024 PROMPTLY at 9:30 am in the basement. This is a members only vote.

5th Tuesday Prayer / Tuesday, October 29 at 7:00 pm in room B1

Our church ministries cannot succeed apart from prayer. Our efforts at evangelism, teaching, and fellowship will transform lives to the degree that we pray! All are invited to meet together to pray specifically for the fruitfulness of our CHURCH MINISTRIES. Please join us! You may invite anyone else you would like to attend with you.

Hymn Sing

The church is invited to a congregational hymn sing on Sunday, November 3rd at 4:00 P.M. in the sanctuary. Please invite friends and family, the more voices the better. A finger food/dessert will follow. We are so looking forward to this special afternoon of praise and fellowship together. If you have questions, contact Reid Moon at 724-816-2035.

Help is needed

Women’s Ministry is sponsoring The Market at Gracecrafts and gifts, Saturday, November 9 from 10-4 with 24 vendors in our gymnasium. We are looking for church members to fill one-hour time slots to greet shoppers and share information about our church. We will also need help with setup and cleanup. Donations of cookies for bake sale items are also needed - please leave labeled in the kitchen by Nov 7. Have questions? Contact Cheryl Prouty (330-219-6077)

Special Collection

We are taking a special collection thru the end of October to support the areas affect by the recent hurricanes. Envelopes are in the pews (or specify on your own envelope/check) for Hurricane Relief. This collection will be sent to Samaritan’s Purse and earmarked for hurricane support.

CrossTrainers Annual Labor of Love

CrossTrainers annual Labor of Love will be on Saturday, November 16th. If you need help raking leaves in your yard, or if you are planning to help that day, please sign the appropriate sheet in the Welcome Center.

Operation Christmas Child

It is time to start packing shoeboxes! Every shoebox is an opportunity to share the Gospel with a child. Pack boxes for a boy or girl with fun toys, personal care items, school supplies, a note, and include a $10 donation per box for shipping. Bring your shoebox back to church no later than November 17. Free preprinted boxes and labels are available in the Welcome Center. For more information check out:

Grace Church Annual Meeting

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 10th at 9:15 a.m. in the Social Hall. All members and regular attenders are encouraged to attend this meeting. If you have not sent your report in to Leah, please do ASAP! We will review and vote on the church budget for 2024 and vote for Elders and Deacons for the new term.

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