The church office is closed until 9:00 a.m. on Thursday January 2nd.
Starting TODAY
Tom Kristophel will be starting a new series by David Jeremiah, studying the book of Ephesians entitled “Belief that Behaves.”
Women’s Bible Study
Beginning on Sunday, January 5, the Women’s Sunday School class will be studying Hosea. This prophet’s life is a stunning illustration of how God’s fierce love for us can manifest wonders. We will use the bible study book by Sue Edwards that you can order on Amazon for $11.99. If you have any questions, please see Amanda Prugar.
Offering Envelopes for 2025
Offering Envelopes are AVAILABLE in the church office.
End of Year Giving
Donations received in the offering during the todays’ service will show on your 2024 statement. If you mail your offerings, they must be postmarked by December 31st. You may give electronically through December 31st. Any checks found in the Office Administrator’s lobby mail slot after January 1, 2025 will be processed for 2025, regardless of the date on the check. If you have any questions, contact Leah in the church office by or call her at 724-452-7270.
Blood Drive
A community blood drive will be held at Grace Church on Tuesday, January 7th, from 12 to 5 p.m. in room B1. Please donate. Someone is waiting. Online registration only: Call Ken Frederick at 724-321-1611 if you need help signing up.
Coffee, Donuts, and Men at Prayer
Saturday, January 25, 8 a.m. The men of Grace are invited to get together to drink coffee, eat donuts, and pray together. All men of Grace Church are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. There will be no charge. We hope to see you there.
Men’s Chili Cook-Off, Friday, January 31st at 6:00 p.m.
SIGN UP TODAY / Men of the church are invited to attend (better yet, compete in) the Men's Ministry annual Chili Cook-Off. Sample more than 20 home-brewed chilis, then vote for your favorite. The chef of the most popular chili will win the coveted "Jalapeno Hat and Apron" prize. Festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. If you are competing, you and your chili should arrive by 5:45. If you are not competing, please donate $5 to the event to cover drinks and desserts. It is always a great night of fellowship and sharing. Sign up in the Welcome Center or online at here.
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