Second Sunday Social
TODAY after second service / Join in for food and fellowship. Please bring a food item to share with others – NO NUTS.
Lenten Suppers and Services are starting back up
Wednesday, February 14th / The meal will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by a service from 6:05-6:20p.m. This week’s meal will be Spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad and cookies.
Next Week’s Lenten Supper and Service February 21st
The meal will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by a service from 6:05- 6:20p.m. This week’s meal will be Hawaiian sandwiches, veggies and dip, chips, and Texas Sheet cake.
Ladies' Game Night
Friday, March 1 from 7-9pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a game to play and snack to share. Feel free to invite a friend too! Join us for fellowship and fun!
A new mission opportunity.
If anyone is interested in being part of a Grace Church Visitation Ministry, please contact the church office by email, / 724-452-7270 or Bob Schaub at 724-900-0157.