Second Sunday Social
TODAY after second service / Join in for food and fellowship. Please bring a food item to share with others – NO NUTS.
Lenten Supper and Service
The meal will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by a service from 6:05-6:20p.m. This week’s meal will be meatball sub, coleslaw, chips, and brownies.
Next Week’s Lenten Supper and Service
The meal will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by a service from 6:05-6:20p.m. Next week’s meal will be hot dogs, sauerkraut, baked beans, fruit, and cake.
Easter Flowers
Easter flower orders are due to the office by Next Sunday. There are extra order forms in the welcome center.
March Madness
Men's Ministry will be hosting a night of watching the March Madness basketball tournament on Saturday March 23rd starting at 5pm. Bring your favorite snack and join us in the Social Hall as we watch all the live action. Pizza and drinks will be provided.
Save the Date for VBS 2024!
We are excited to announce "The Great Jungle Journey; an Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation." Make plans to sail with children ages 4-Grade 8 this July 15th-19th from 9:00-11:30 a.m. each day.
Camp Scholarships
Grace Church of Harmony provides Camp Scholarships to children of all families who regularly attend our church. This is not a need-based scholarship. If you have a child who is planning to attend Seneca Hills Bible Camp this summer, call the church office for the code 724-452-7270.
Baptism is a symbol of our new life in Christ. In baptism, God promises us that the blood of Jesus Christ has washed away all our sins, that He accepts us as His sons and daughters, and that He will, one day, give each believer a new resurrection body like His Son’s. Jesus wants everyone who believes in him to be baptized. We plan to have a baptism service on Sunday, April 5th. If you are interested in being baptized, please call the church office and/or contact Pastor Pete.
Save the Date
The Men’s Ministry will be holding a breakfast on Saturday, April 13. Details coming soon.