Lenten Supper and Service
The meal will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by a service from 6:05-6:20p.m. This week’s meal will be Ham BBQ, Mac and Cheese, applesauce, and cupcakes.
Next Week’s Lenten Supper and Service
The meal will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by a service from 6:05-6:20p.m. Next week’s meal will be chicken patty sandwiches, tater tots, veggies and dip, pickles and pie.
New GriefShare group starts February 25th
The death of a loved one can be such a hurtful, lonely and overwhelming experience. A grief support group can make all the difference for good. A faith-based support group called GriefShare starts at Grace Church February 25th and meets weekly from 2-4pm. If you need help living with your grief, this is your group. The GriefShare group is free and confidential. Contact Reid Moon (724-816-2035). For more information and to register online, go to griefshare.org
Ladies' Game Night
Friday, March 1 from 7-9pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a game to play and snack to share. Feel free to invite a friend too! Join us for fellowship and fun!
2024 Mission Conference is March 9 &10
The theme is "O Church, Arise! Put Your Armor On". Missionaries attending are Mark Padgett, Jim Schmidtke, Jim & Jan Sylvester, and Will & Kelly Tallman. There is a breakfast on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. and The Full Armor Quest at 3:00 pm., followed by a light supper. Fun for the entire family! Would you be willing to host a missionary for lunch on Saturday? Could you donate brownies? More details to follow.
Ladies evening Bible Study
Ladies for three weeks only Elaine Wise will be hosting a Bible Study here at the church Tuesday evenings March 5, 12, and 19 from 7-8 pm. The topic will be “Why do we change our altar cloths? A study of the church calendar, and a look at advent, lent, and the seasons of life.
Save the Date for VBS 2024!
We are excited to announce "The Great Jungle Journey; an Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation." Make plans to sail with children ages 4-Grade 8 this July 15th-19th from 9:00-11:30 a.m. each day.
A new mission opportunity
If anyone is interested in being part of a Grace Church Visitation Ministry, please contact the church office by email gcoh@zoominternet.net, / 724-452-7270 or Bob Schaub at 724- 900-0157.