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Bulletin: 5.12.24

Writer's picture: Thomas HavranekThomas Havranek

Cemetery Work

There will be a cemetery work night on Monday, May 20th at 6 pm. Bring shovels and garden rakes. Come join the fun and help make the cemetery look beautiful for Memorial Day. If you have questions call Brad Wise.

Secret Prayer Sisters

Thursday, May 23rd will be Secret Prayer Sisters Reveal Night! Please join us at 7:00 pm, in the social hall, to find out who has been praying for you this past year! If you are not a part of this ministry, but would like to learn more, please join as well! We would love to have some new faces. If you have questions, or to RSVP, please call Lynn Mooney (724-799-0140).

Blood Drive

A community blood drive will be held at Grace Church on Wednesday, June 5th, from 12 to 5 p.m. in room B1. Please donate. Someone is waiting. Online registration only: Call Ken Frederick at 724-321-1611 if you need help signing up.

Women’s Summertime Sharing

Tuesdays in June at 7:00 p.m. Summertime Sharing will be in the Fellowship Hall at Grace Church on the following dates in June: 4, 11, 18, and 25.

Women’s Sunday School Class

“Be holy, for I am holy,” commands God to His people. But what does that look like in everyday life? Because of grace we don’t have to earn our salvation (AMEN!!!) but sometimes that leaves us wondering what our part in holiness should be. Beginning Sunday, Jun 2, the women’s Sunday School class that meets in room 201 will begin studying “The Pursuit of Holiness” by Jerry Bridges. In this study, we will discuss and realize what we should rely on God to do and where we need to accept responsibility. You will need to purchase a copy of the 12-week small group curriculum guide which can be purchased on Amazon. If you have any questions, please see Amanda Prugar.

Baby Bottle Campaign

Grace Church will once again be participating in the Women’s Choice Network Baby Bottle Campaign to help support abortionvulnerable women at three clinics in the Pittsburgh area. Baby bottles will be available in the lobby starting Sunday, May 8th. Take one home and fill it with change or a donation check. Bottles should be returned to the lobby or church office by Sunday, June 19th. You can also donate online:

Camp Scholarships

Grace Church of Harmony provides Camp Scholarships to children of all families who regularly attend our church. This is not a need-based scholarship. If you have a child who is planning to attend Seneca Hills Bible Camp this summer, call the church office for the code 724-452-7270.

The Bellora Scholarship

The Bellora Scholarship application period starts May 1, 2024. Bellora scholarships are awarded annually for tuition expenses at colleges, community colleges, technical, and trade schools. Applicants must be active members of Grace Church. More information is available in the application form, which will be available in the Welcome Center and on beginning May 1st. Completed applications should be emailed to or mailed to 538 Main St., Harmony, PA 16037. The deadline for applications is Saturday, June 1st. If you have questions, contact Leah at the church office.

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