Western Pennsylvania Bible Conference
On June 23-26, the Western Pennsylvania Bible Conference will be held at The Presbyterian Church of Portersville. Speakers for the conference will be Rev. Dr. Stan Keehlwetter and Rev. Mr. Mike Willmer. Services will be held at 7:30 pm each night. For more information there are brochures in the welcome center or go to wpabibleconference.org.
Women’s Summertime Sharing
This will be our 16th year of Summertime Sharing, of ladies sharing their stories of how God has been working in their life. The last Summertime is Tuesday June 25th in the Fellowship Room at 7:00 p.m. Tina Smith will be sharing.
New Just 4 You Class
Tom Kristophel will be leading a study on Spiritual Warfare by David Jeremiah starting next Sunday, June 30.
Adult Sunday School Class
The harmony of the gospels class led by Reid Moon will resume on June 30th. This class is a deep dive into the life and ministry of Jesus using a comparative study method. Each of the four gospels tells the same story, but from unique vantage points. The class also incorporates materials other than the gospels, which helped to eliminate the meaning of the passages. All are welcome and discussion is encouraged.
VBS snack donations needed
There is a sign-up list in the welcome center with what items will be needed for VBS snacks. Please sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Speck.
Vacation Bible School Registration
Our exciting Vacation Bible School registration is open on the church website, gcoh.org. "The Great Jungle Journey" is our theme during the week of July 15-19 at 9:00-11:30 a.m. Children ages 4 through those who have completed eighth grade are invited to join! You may also register in the church Welcome Center. At this time, the 4-year-old class, and the class for Pre-K and Kindergarten are full. CDs of the music are available for a $3 donation.