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Bulletin: 9.15.24

Writer's picture: Thomas HavranekThomas Havranek

Grace Church T-shirts are in!

For pick up, see Lisa in the welcome center AFTER the 8:00 service. Leah will be in the welcome center BEFORE the 10:45 service. If you have questions…contact either of them. We do have a couple of outstanding balances. You will not be able to pick up your tshirts until that is paid.

Men's Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast on September 21 at 8:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. Eric Jantsch will be the speaker. The title of his talk will be: “Love your brother…. being intentional in friendship.” Please sign up online here or in the Welcome Center. Breakfast is $10.

Connect 4

Saturday, September 21 at 6:30pm. Whether you are new to Grace or a long-time member, come get connected with other women! Join us for a time to get to know others in small groups, conversation and snacks! Women ages 16 and up. Signup in the Welcome Center or online here.

Ladies Tuesday Morning Bible Study

The Ladies’ Tuesday morning Bible Study began September 10th, 9:30-11, we will be following the book Seamless. If you would like to help with childcare, please contact Beth Beiter at

Ladies Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Previously in our Tuesday evening study, we looked at Esther, and enjoyed learning about her from a different perspective. This autumn our study will take a look at Ezra and Nehemiah as well as a review of Esther. What a fascinating time in Israel’s life and history! We will begin on October 1, and will meet in B2 at 7:00 pm. Any questions, ask Elaine Wise or Marilyn Weyman.

Discovery Class taught by Pastor Pete and Brad Wise

If you are thinking about becoming a member of Grace Church, if you want to learn more about our beliefs and history, or if you want to prepare for baptism, you should attend our upcoming Discovery Class, each Sunday morning, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m., beginning September 15th in 103. Please contact the church office (724-452-7270) if you are interested so we can prepare enough materials.

Women's Campfire

Save the Date!! On October 4th, 7pm at Putz Hartzell's house, the Ladies’ Ministry will be having a campfire. Join us for fellowship, campfire songs, and s'mores! Rain date - October 11. More information to follow.

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